The Crescent-Villa Fire Authority (CVFA) was created through an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the cities of Crescent Springs and Villa Hills, and the Crescent Springs Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (CSVFD) to provide fire and EMS services. The revised ILA mandates that CVFA is composed of 4 members appointed by the Mayor of Villa Hills, 3 appointed by the Mayor of Crescent Springs and 2 appointed by the President of the CSVFD.
Interlocal Agreement:
The revised ILA is effective January 1, 2021. It was signed by Crescent Springs on 2/13/21, CSVFD on 2/15/21, and Villa Hills on 2/21/21.
CVFA Firehouse Committee:
The Firehouse Committee is composed of members of the community appointed by both Mayors and the President of CSVFD who have experience in fire safety, emergency medicine, construction related businesses, or finance, to make recommendations to CVFA regarding design and construction of the firehouse.
CVFA Design Committee:
CVFA was commissioned by both City Councils (Councils) to investigate replacing the existing firehouse. To that end, each Mayor has appointed representatives from his/her City to sit on this committee. Additional members were appointed by the President CSVFD. A subset of that committee has been formed (Design Committee) to facilitate the design portion of the project. Ten design firms submitted responses to the RFP. Of those ten, four were selected for an interview. Finally, at the joint meeting on February 1, 2021, Brandstetter Carroll, Inc. was recommended by the Design Committee, then by the full Firehouse Committee and finally by CVFA with their selection subject to approval by both Councils.
CVFA Finance Committee:
Effective with fiscal year beginning 7/1/20, both cities agreed to supply their share of $50,000 for legal and design work on the firehouse replacement. It is anticipated that $30,000 of those funds will be available once a design firm is under contract. Another subset of the Firehouse Committee (Finance Committee) was assigned the duty to find the most efficient source of capital for the project. After canvassing all banks with local branches and two state-wide organizations, the committee settled on the Kentucky League of Cities Bond Corporation (KLC) to provide financing. Another City in the State has requested an April 15th date for a $4.5M bond with KLC. By joining in this bond offering, CVFA can save bond administration fees and, potentially, lower the effective bond rate. The joining in the bond offering has no effect on the liability of either organization. At the meeting on February 1, 2021, CVFA agreed to take this approach subject to approval by both Councils.
Next Steps (some dates are approximate):
Feb, 2021 Final bond proposal received from KLC and forwarded to Councils.
Feb, 2021 Councils approve the design firm contract and financing for the entire project. Design and financing contracts signed by CVFA. Finance Committee dissolves.
Mar, 2021 Design begins.
Apr, 2021 First design payment is made by CVFA from funds remaining from initial legal/design funding. Subsequent payments are made from bond proceeds.
July, 2021 Open house at the firehouse with preliminary design on display.
Sept, 2021 Firehouse Committee recommends final design to CVFA. CVFA accepts design and forwards to both Councils. Both Councils approve. Contract signed by CVFA.
Sept, 2021 Design complete and Design Committee dissolves.
Sept, 2021 Architect makes a recommendation to Firehouse Committee regarding selection of a construction firm. Firehouse Committee carries that recommendation to CVFA who takes the recommendation (including estimated cost) to both Councils.
Oct, 2021 Both Councils agree to permit CVFA to hire the construction firm. Contract submitted to CVFA Council and Attorneys for both cities.
Nov, 2021 Site prep begins. CVFA begins to buy construction materials under its sales tax exemption.
Mar, 2022 Construction begins.
Mar, 2022 Firehouse Committee monitors construction until construction complete and reports monthly progress to CVFA and Councils.
Sept, 2022 Construction complete. Firehouse Committee dissolves.